Our Story

Our Story

"Our story" is really "my story"....

I grew up in Renmark South Australia where I was generationally connected to the River and the land. A son of a third generation 'blocky' I was always fascinated with all things motorbikes, boats and planes.

My great uncle Tom Angove was the only pilot in the family, but his stories had their impact on me growing up. Stories of how he used to fly my Dad and his cousins to and from Adelaide for boarding school were among some of my earliest inspirations. As kids, we spent a year in Darwin where the influence of the military brought me to apply for the Royal Australian Airforce as an 18-year-old school leaver - but I soon realised it wasn't going to be my path.

But Aviation was always there. Almost a decade later, with many stories, across many different countries, industries and career paths - I now have my commercial pilot's licence and my first plane - and I'm ready to bring my love for aviation to the people of my hometown.

Country Aviation is a my way of solving problems with the use of Aviation.

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